Daily Buy conditions (Filter)

Measure a buy level at 50% above the high of the buy or sell impulse

Buy Entry

Wait for a daily close to be a bearish candlestick and buy and hold the trade until it turns bullish candlestick

If it takes one day to turn bullish you win early

If you don't win in one day wait for the amount of days in bearishness

e.g If 2 days bearish only close when 2 days bullish and bullish close is above bearish entry

e.g If 3 days bearish only close when 3 days bullish and bullish close is above bearish entry

Daily Sell conditions (Filter)

Measure a sell level at 50% below the low of the buy or sell impulse

Sell Entry

Wait for a daily close to be a bullish candlestick and sell and hold the trade until it turns bearish candlestick

If it takes one day to turn bearish you win early

If you don't win in one day wait for the amount of days in bullishness

e.g If 2 days bullish only close when 2 days bearish and bearish close is above bullish entry

e.g If 3 days bullish only close when 3 days bearish and bearish close is above bullish entry

Grey Trading Research: Vol IV